Boerboels – Brains vs Brawn

boerboel brain vs brawnAs a keen lover of boerboels, I have to admit that, in general, they do look a little dozy and their sedentary manner does nothing to dispel the perception that they are muscle heads with very little grey matter. This is another common misconception I am pleased to disprove. Boerboels are incredibly intelligent dogs! With a sixth sense for emotion, a boerboel can sniff out undesirable characteristics and traits in humans. If your boerboel is not partial to someone – listen to him! Guaranteed, there will be something amiss. Boerboels learn quickly and respond well to training, provided positive methods are used. Furthermore, training, once done, is entrenched. Provided you consistently apply training principles, you will not have to keep up with refresher courses like some other breeds. You can teach a boerboel to do anything you wish – sit, stay, lie down, roll over, play fetch, walk on a lead. Boerboels are also pretty easy to housebreak compared to other breeds. One of the best mental and physical sports for a boerboel is weight pulling – either casually in the garden or more competitively – your boerboel will love it and it is one of the best ways to exercise your dog. The boerboel is consistently ranked in the top 10 strongest dog breeds in the world. However, they not only possess physical strength, but they have exceptional strength of character too. Traits like self-assuredness, confidence, fearlessness and intuition characterize this breed. They are very responsive to their family and have an uncanny ability to sense threats. In the face of danger, the boerboel will assume his place next to his master and wait for instruction.

Not only are they loaded with intelligence, but they are nothing short of physical masterpieces. Bred as working farm dogs, hunters and protectors from the best mastiff breeding stock, they have physical prowess, strength and agility. These dogs are courageous and brave in the face of danger with the physical ability to back it up. The boerboel has very well defined muscles covering his large frame and despite the enormous size, moves with graceful ease. These athletic dogs move purposefully and powerfully. Watching a boerboel run at full speed is a truly impressive and majestic sight. The size, strength and stealth of the boerboel breed means they are prized worldwide as hunters of big game. Not only are they incredibly skilled trackers with the ability to take out ferocious animals much bigger than themselves, but they are strong enough to keep the prey under control until the hunter arrives. Some would argue that the boerboel is actually the king of the jungle since in Africa they were commonly used to hunt lions – absolutely fearless dogs!

Boerboels are a mighty breed and can be man stopping beasts, but their gentle sensitive nature has meant that in recent years they have been employed and trained as therapy dogs for mentally handicapped children. The boerboel is disciplined, obedient and never aggressive unless told to be, which makes it an ideal breed to use for interactions with special needs children. These dogs, with their innate tracking and protective instincts and fierce, imposing stance are also becoming a popular choice for guarding and police work. The use of the boerboel for such important work speaks to the overall reliability and trustworthiness of the breed as well as their stable temperament and trainability.

These powerhouse dogs are among the strongest in the world and without a doubt one of the best guarding breeds. What makes them so sought after is, in addition to their unstoppable strength and power, they are intelligent enough to know when NOT to use their brute force!

Temperament of Boerboels

Boerboels make wonderful pets for the right owners.  Boerboels have keen guard-dog instincts.  They are intelligent, obedient and reliable.  Boerboels make great watch dogs.  Owners find them to be fearless and self-assured. This article gives a good overview on the temperament of Boerboels.

Boerboels want to be affectionate and love to play.  A game of fetch could last forever if a Boeboel had anything to say in the matter.  The strong jaws of Boerboels have popped more than a few balls used in the game.  These dogs don’t care.  Play can continue with the damaged toy.

Toward children they know, Boerboels are quite gentle.  The dogs can be ridden like horses.  Boerboels soak in every ounce of attention given.  They are even friendly with other non-canine animals.  Birds can share food from the feeding bowl.  Boerboel puppies should be kept away from aggressive dog interaction.  This will avoid aggressive or fearful tendencies as the dogs mature.  Boerboels become acutely aware of invasion in their territory by wild animals.

A family’s members, friends, and property will be guarded with the lives of these dogs.  No one will be allowed into an owner’s home in his or her absence, unless the dog is familiar with the visitor.  Visitors need to be introduced to Boeorbels when they arrive.  The dogs will accept and welcome these newcomers.

Is Your Personality Compatible with the Temperament of Boerboels?

The owner of this breed must have a dominant personality.  The dominance should be blended with kindness.  Boerboels need to sense that owners have authority over the dog’s actions.  The dogs should feel  that owners are the leaders of the packs.  Having order in a pack is part of the dog’s natural instincts.  The humans Boerboels live with are part of their packs.  There must be a single leader of the pack.  Rules need to be in place and boundaries clearly set.  Dogs communicate displeasure by growling and eventual biting.  All humans have to hold a higher position in the packs than the dogs.  Decisions are made by humans, not dogs.

When raised and treated properly, Boerboels make wonderful family pets.  They have a unique combination of gentleness and toughness.  The Boerbol has been known to be dangerously aggressive when provoked or threatened.  Owners need to be mindful of situations in which Boerbeols are placed.  Living indoors and being made to feel part of the family is the ideal situation as long as plenty of outdoor exercise is provided.

The success of relationships with Boerboels depends on these concepts.  Only an owner who is confident in his or her ability to handle a Boerboel should own one.