Breeding Boston Terriers

Breeding Boston Terriers

Breeding animals of any kind is a serious undertaking. It requires knowledge, patience, means, and a love for the breed of your animal. If you are a new breeder or want to expand your service, breeding Boston Terriers is one of the most rewarding experiences for any breeder.

Boston Terriers are classic American dogs, initially bred from a bull and terrier dog mix named Hooper’s Judge in 1870 in Boston, Massachusetts. The offspring of Hooper’s Judge subsequently bred with French bulldogs creating the Boston Terrier. The Boston Terrier was the first United States breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club. The breed was admitted in 1893.

Boston Terriers are smart, friendly and adaptable dogs. Because of their loving and gentle nature, they are referred to as The American Gentleman. They are good with children and eager to please. Their short muzzle with those large round eyes give them a kind, temperate appearance. With their large, square heads, many people are under the impression that the dog will “grow into” its head, but that is not the case, it is simply one of the characteristics of the Boston Terrier.

They usually weigh between ten to twenty-five pounds and their coat color varies between the tuxedo and brindle patterns though they can have up to five different colors. Their coat is quite easy to care for and they shed infrequently. Their barking level is quiet and Boston Terriers can live to around the age of fifteen to eighteen years. All of these qualities make breeding Boston Terriers a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Health Concerns In Boston Terriers

Every breed of dog will have certain characteristics to be considered a negative from a breeding standpoint. There are three major problems you will see wwith breeding Boston Terriers.

1. Need For Ceasarian Sections

A Boston Terrier litter is delivered almost ninety-two percent of the time by cesarian section. Almost all Boston Terriers have some degree of brachycephalic syndrome, which is an upper airway abnormality innate in breeds with tiny nostrils, long palates, and a narrow trachea.

This causes the Boston Terrier to have poor coping abilities to stress which leads to the need for caesarian sections during the birth of their litters. The top four breeds with the highest cesarean rates are the Boston terrier, the Bulldog, the French Bulldog and the Mastiff.

2. Dislocation Of The Knee

Boston Terriers are genetically prone to Patellar Luxation, which is basically a dislocation of the knee. If it is not treated, it can lead to extreme pain, arthritis, and cartilage damage. Most cases can be corrected by surgery. If you notice the Boston Terrier limping and whimpering, have a veterinarian take a look at the dog. If you ever see a Terrier stretching its back legs, what that is doing is popping the patella into its normal position.

3. Cataracts And Other Eye Problems

Because of their brachycephalic syndrome, they are also prone to cataracts and corneal ulcers.
Boston Terriers not yet a year old can go completely blind with cataracts. A simple Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) test can determine if your Boston Terrier has this condition. Dogs with bluish, gray or white flecks in their eyes should be seen by a certified Veterinary Ophthalmologist.

Breeding Boston Terriers


A Boston Terrier female should never be bred before the age of two or until she has achieved at least her second “heat.” This is in order to ensure the health of both the litter and the mother during the time of delivery as well as ensuring the female is mature enough to care for her pups. A male Terrier is sexually mature between the ages of six to eight months of age. When breeding Boston Terriers it is good practice to allow for the full development of both male and female dogs for the continued health of the dogs.

The Boston terrier female is in active heat every six months, and the heat cycle lasts for approximately three weeks.

The first stage of heat you will notice the dog’s vulva will enlarge. It may produce a trace or small amount of bloody discharge. The first stage usually lasts between nine to seventeen days.

The second stage is the ideal time to introduce her to the male. At this time she will be affectionate and open to contact. Her discharge at this time may have a pinkish to tan tone to it. The second stage lasts approximately twenty-one days until the discharge becomes dark red and bloody which signals the end of her “heat.”

Three Types of Breeding:

In-breeding is the breeding of close relatives such sisters and brothers and even mothers and sons. In-breeding can help retain the best qualities of the Boston Terrier. However this can also exacerbates the worse genetic characteristics of the breed in subsequent generations.

Line-breeding breeds distant relatives such as uncles and aunts and nieces and nephews. This reduces the negative genetic characteristics of the breed and also reduces negative physical qualities.

Out-crossing breeds two very distant relatives from different family lines. This produces litters of strong positives of the breed without the risk of defects seen in In-breeding.

How to Breed:

Breeding Boston Terriers is not complicated nor does it require any specialized training.

Natural matings usually occur where the male dog resides, but wherever the breeding might be conducted, ensure that it is a private, enclosed space or area where there is little distraction for the dogs.

Two handlers be present, one for each dog, but it isn’t always necessary. For success, be certain the female dog is displaying signs of flirtation such as contraction of her vulva, and wagging of her tail. The male dog will attempt to mount her if she is willing.

Females that have never been bred before may be frightened or uncomfortable or even whimper loudly. Because the mating should be supervised at all times by the breeder, comfort can be given to the female by soothing tones of voice. Never yell at dogs out of frustration that they are not mating properly. This could put a quick end to a breeding session.

If a male is having difficulty in penetrating, assistance such as placing the male behind the female or placing a small amount of lubrication on the female’s vulva might help.

Once the dogs are “attached” – when the male has made penetration, the penis has swollen and the female muscles have “latched on” to the male’s penis, the dogs will remain tied together. Dogs can not “untie” until physically possible, and they should never be forcefully separated as permanent damage or disfiguration can occur. The “tie” time may last anywhere from half of an hour to an hour after first joining.

After they have successfully untied themselves, the male may still have an erection. He can be walked until the penis retracts without harm. If possible, the female should not be allowed to urinate for approximately fifteen minutes. This can be done by closely watching the dog and interrupting her stream. You can do this by moving her when it is noticed, picking her up, or speaking directly to her. This can be repeated as a distraction for her until the alloted time has passed.

Why Breed And Why Boston Terriers?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) believes that the motto of all responsible breeders of purebred dogs should be “Breed to Improve” and that they must remain aware of “kennel blindness,” which is defined when a breeder is incapable of seeing the faults in his dogs, twisting and distorting the standard, to justify the dogs they breed.

Some people breed dogs strictly for the monetary benefit, and they may breed several breeds of dogs at one time. It is always a wise practice to find a particular breed of dog to focus on. Work with only that dog breed as opposed to breeding several breeds at once.

Some people breed one specific breed, keep their dogs as pets, and breed to improve the breed of that specific dog. The average dog breeder in the United States makes between $35,700 and $43,950 annually. Most people breed dogs because they love dogs. Though making money is always a benefit, successful breeders always do it for the love of the dog and the breed.

Boston Terriers have litter sizes of one to six puppies. They can safely and healthily produce up to four litters in their lifetime. Breeding Boston Terriers can be successful and rewarding. Whether you are breeding them for your own litter or for someone else, and whether you are a beginning breeder or someone who simply wants to change their breed of dog, Boston Terriers are the perfect dog.